Choosing the Right Vet for Your Pet

Beyond Brushing: 4 Foods To Help Keep Your Dog From Developing Oral Disease

You finally got brushing your dog's teeth down, and it wasn't easy. With the American Veterinary Dental College reporting that periodontal disease the most common condition that occurs in pets, you also want to make sure that you provide them with a well-balanced diet that also helps their dental health. Here are a few ingredients to look for on labels for foods, treats and supplements:

1. Cranberries (or Cranberry Extract)

Cranberries are one of the best foods for both cats and dogs. The compounds found in cranberries can not only help treat urinary tract infections, promote good vision and reduce cognitive decline, but they can also help keep your pet's teeth healthy. Cranberry extract has the ability to help prevent the formation of plaque on the teeth because of the polyphenols and flavonoids found within the fruit. In doing this, cranberries are able to help reduce the risk of dental disease later in life, which could lead to the loss of teeth, decreased appetite, bacteria in the blood and even infections of internal organs.

2. Parsley

So long as your dog doesn't suffer from any type of kidney-related problems and isn't pregnant, parsley can be an excellent addition to their diet. Parsley can help keep urinary tract infections, kidney stones and even cancer at bay, and it is also very effective at treating your dog's terrible breath. Parsley can be chopped finely and added to your dog's meal a couple of times a week.  

3. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a very powerful ingredient for humans as well as dogs. Coconut oil contains certain properties that can help aid digestion, boost energy levels, and improve the health of your dog's skin and coat. However, coconut oil can also help to improve your pet's bad breath. You can give your dog coconut oil two different ways. You can opt to use coconut oil when brushing your dog's teeth, or you can opt to provide ¼ teaspoon per 10 pounds of weight in their food.

4. Carrots

Just as carrots are good for humans, they are also good for pets. By eating carrots, dogs maintain stronger, cleaner teeth because of the chewing that is involved in consuming this crunchy vegetable. For older dogs, carrots can be pureed before added to a meal for softer and easier consumption.

When you're looking for nutritional supplements, treats or even food, look for items that have some of the aforementioned ingredients in them. If you're having trouble, reach out to a pet health clinic, such as MontClair Veterinary Hospital, to learn more about the best options on the market. While you're on the phone, don't forget to schedule a dental exam or check-up if it's time. 
