Choosing the Right Vet for Your Pet

5 Red Flags That Your Cat May Be In Pain

Cats can be mysterious creatures, and it's often not obvious when they're suffering from any kind of illness or trauma. That's why it's so important for cat owners to be aware of their own cats' habits and to remain vigilant of any sudden changes. Often times, it's easy to tell when a cat is sick due to diarrhea or vomiting. However, telling when a cat is in pain isn't always so easy, which is why it's important to look out for a few common red flags.

Suddenly Hiding or Lacking Social Behavior

If your cat is usually a social creature--always greeting you at the door or spending time around humans--and suddenly becomes withdrawn, this is something to take note of. A cat's instinct is to hide when in pain so as to avoid confrontation by predators.

Growling or Hissing When Touched

Has your cuddly cat suddenly become very agitated, especially when touched in certain areas? If so, this could also be a sign of underlying pain that needs to be addressed immediately.

Change in Food Consumption or Litter Box Habits

If your cat begins to show a lack of interest in foods he or she once loved, this could also be a sign that something isn't quite right. The same goes for a cat who suddenly stops using the litter box; this could indicate a condition that makes it painful for your cat to urinate, defecate, or even make it into the litter box.

Always Sleeping in the Same Position

Cats are known for sleeping in some peculiar positions, but if it seems that your cat has recently made a change to sleeping in only one position (or has stopped sleeping in a position he or she used to love), this could indicate that your cat is in pain.

Sudden Lack of Grooming Habits

Cats tend to be rather precise and strict when it comes to their grooming habits, so if your cat has recently stopped grooming him or herself, it could be due to pain that's keeping him or her from being able to groom and clean. Any signs of pain from your cat should be evaluated by an experienced and professional veterinarian like one from Columbine Animal Hospital & Emergency Clinic. From there, you and your vet can discuss potential options for pain management in order to give your cat the best chance at a pain-free life or, at the very least, a life with reduced pain levels.  
